From Tots to Teens -

We Train to Professional Level

Quakertown Studio (215) 536-6755

Sellersville Studio (215) 257-4121


The monthly newsletter will be emailed to each student starting in November.  Please go to our website on the front page and subscribe to our mailing list.  We must have your current email address so you will receive important information regarding the studio. Please be sure your tuition is up to date.  October tuition was due by September 11.

We are very excited about the parade.  Marchers will meet at 1:15 p.m., riders will meet at 1:30 p.m., and the parade will begin at 2:00 p.m.  Our exact meeting location will be sent by email the week of the parade.   Call the studio at 215-536-6755 if you do not see the email.  Please pick up your child at Studio I, 243 West Broad Street, Quakertown, immediately after the group passes the judge's stand located in Center Square on Broad Street.  Please be prompt.  Do not wait till the parade ends to pick up your child.  The younger children get upset if they do not see you when other parents are there.  We will have a treat for the children in the parade.  If the parade is cancelled due to rain, a parade cancellation message will be on the Studio answering machine.  Please call 215-536-6755.  

ANYONE 5 AND UNDER MUST RIDE ON THE FLOAT.  Please bring a blanket for your preschool child to sit on.  Children may not be removed from the float during the parade.  You must wait till the float comes to a complete stop before children can be removed.  This is extremely important and for your child's safety.  The parade is not mandatory, except for company members, but the children seem to enjoy this event.  No child under the age of 3 may participate.  Also if your child is frightened of Halloween, she/he should NOT participate. There could be scary things along the route.

NEEDED FOR THE PARADE:   Volunteer parents are needed to ride on the truck or to walk the parade route. Parent Volunteers must watch all children on the truck. There will be sign up sheets posted in each studio.  We will contact those parents who signed up first to ride.  If others are helping, they must walk. Parents are asked to wear a pink sweatshirt or T-shirt or the parade shirt regardless if they are walking or riding. Thank you in advance for all your parade help.


MANDATORY Parade Costumes for all Students Listed Below:

All children riding the float:  Warm pants with parade T-shirt purchased from the studio or your own pink shirt with no writing on it.  Hair in a ponytail.  Bring blankets to sit on for the truck.

ALL WALKERS AND GYMNASTS:  Black pants or leggings, with PARADE T-shirt purchased from the studio with Miss Cindy's logo.  You may wear a black turtleneck under the t-shirt if it is cold.  Wear any color sneakers and BLACK socks.  Hair needs to be half up and half down.

All Broadstreet Entertainers, boys and girls  and team gymnasts:  Black pants (no capris) with parade t-shirt with Miss Cindy's logo on it. See sample at any studio.  Please return B.S.E. t-shirt order form, payment, and rules as soon as possible (unless you have already).   Do not place another t-shirt order if you have turned in your B.S.E. form.  Wear sneakers with black socks, company makeup, earrings and hair half up and half down.  

*All students may wear a black turtleneck under their outfits if it is a cold day.

Deadline for ordering t-shirts is Oct. 8 .  Please use attached form.  We cannot guarantee the delivery of any shirt ordered after Oct. 8.

Openings for classes at our studio include:

Tot Dance Class Monday 9:30 IV Perkasie, Saturday 9:00 I Quakertown

Preschool class – Monday 10:00 IV Perkasie,  

     Monday 6:15 I, Tuesday 10:00 I, Saturday 9:30 I Quakertown

Kindergarten Class – Wednesday 5;30 I , Saturday 10:30 I Quakertown

Beg. Tap – Thursday 6:15 I Quakertown  

Gymnastics – Preschool Gym – Monday 11:00 III   Perkasie

“Barbie Party”

Halloween Parade T-Shirt Order Form

Parade T-Shirt - All  Walkers, Boys & Girls

$18.00 each

Youth X-Small _______                     Adult Small ________________

Youth Small  _________                    Adult Medium_______________     


Youth Medium   _______                   Adult Large    _______________                                                         


Youth Large  _________                     Adult X-Large _______________  

                                                               ( $2.00 extra)                                                                           

Wear black pants or leggings

All orders must be paid in full & returned by Oct. 8    

Make checks payable to Miss Cindy's School Of Dance.

Do not order a shirt if you are in B.S.E.

Name:  ___________________________________________

Class Day/Time/Studio: _______________________

Quantity: ________   Amount Paid:  ______________________

Quakertown Halloween Parade

Sunday Afternoon, October 22       

Rain date: October 29     

Parade Theme: “BARBIE PARTY”